About Hohepa Isaac-Sharland

About Hohepa Isaac-Sharland

Rangitāne, Raukawa, Taranaki


  • Director (Mātauranga)
  • Ministry of Education Accredited Facilitator
  • Kaupapa Māori Researcher

As the Director Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga of Tai Huki Consult Ltd, Hohepa is a known Iwi leader and has spent much of his life revitalising the Māori language within Kura Māori, Tertiary education and currently as a PLD facilitator. As a kaiako, he specialises in leadership, pedagogy, and empowering whānau through te reo me ōna tikanga.

He is currently implementing the Education & Reo Strategies for Rangitāne o Manawatū Settlement Trust alongside experienced iwi experts to empower and improve the educational and reo landscape and outcomes for Rangitāne whānau. His passion focuses on empowering our whānau so that their aspirations are a reality, that their journey is enjoyable and they are in control of their future.

Ngā Tohu

  • Te Toi Reo Māori 2021 - Licensed Te Reo Māori Translator
  • Te Pānekiritanga o te Reo
  • Bachelor of Education

Ngā Wheako

  • Te Mātāwai - Te Tai Hau-ā-Uru Kāhui
  • Rangitāne o Manawatu Settlement Trust - Elected Trustee 2019-2020

Ngā Pūmanawa

  • Governance & Transformation Leadership
  • Te reo pāngarau expert
  • Hāngarau Matihiko practitioner
  • Te Aho Matua Leader & Practitioner